Our Basement, we hope today is fantastic!
‘Heard it All Before’ is a bit of a cynic’s anthem, but really it’s the feeling we all get any time some dingbat comes to your door trying to sell you a better version of an alarm clock. Or maybe it’s about relationships or something. Or drugs. Is this a drug song?
We’ve been labelled everything from math to prog to pop but we feel most comfortable in the plain guise of rock. We have evolved through numerous styles and absorbed a plethora of influences to become a band so refreshingly original that people are still struggling to categorize us after 12 years..
Hot on the heels of our The Other Way EP, featuring our alt-rock top 40 single “Walk the Other Way”, we are serving up our new single “Heard It All Before” ahead of our full-length record Foolish Games, set for release May 2018.
Hope you like what you hear, can’t wait to share even more with you!
Bend Sinister
You can read more over at PopMatters
Hello hello! LOVED the new Bend Sinister! I’m looking forward to the new album!
I wonder if they’ll tour it. Being as it’s expensive.
And good morning.
Good morning!
Love these guys!
Well that was all kinds of crazy. Also that measuring stick looks like it might need to be replaced, it was awfully wobbly!
I thought the player was going to give it away when he carried it to the side
I am surprised they don’t use don’t use several overhead cameras to track the stones positions in real time, it would be useful for tv coverage and help with stone replacement if one gets moved
i stunned the blog into silence again
Not really…
CHOPZ on in 5…
Thnaks. Turned chopz on.
Hurricane Maria must have blown the mic away…
Haven’t written ‘thnaks” in while. I like “thnaks”. Need more words like that.
Russ, I think those are known as “technical difficulties”. I’ve always liked that expression, sounds great, yet so vague and unknowing. (Puts up cartoon of a drunk technician)
Idonomatopoeia. (Needs more vowels)
So I’ve decided to go to a show of New Musick (sic, ahem) at Targ tonight. In the usual reverse order:
From Copenhagen, post-punk/new wave The Foreign Resort; Coastal Pigs, Ottawa post-punk; and Deathsticks, Ottawa-Peterborough powerslop-noise*. Should be fun. Earplugs!
I hope you enjoy the Musick
Thanks, I surely will like some of it. In any case, it’s really close by, so getting home is easy.
A venue not a million miles from me (The Cluny) have King Khan & The Shrines playing May 4th and Lindi Ortega on June 8th but public transit doesn’t run late enough for me to get home after the show
You could always try putting feelers out on your local social media, about getting a ride home. Who knows?
Who do you think I am, my Mommy told me not to get into strangers cars
Well this is how i got to Vancouver last month and I survived; new age of getting into strangers cars where you pay them.
What does LRNR stand for?
See Bend Sinister photo
isn’t that called a taxi?
LRNR, no idea
hi morgnan
the only thing I can think that LRNR might stand for is learner
How has your day been DBS?
My days have been long and tiring. Thanks for asking and for posting these messages at the end of the day Garf.