This week we are taking a trip back in time to Canadian Indie albums of 2006. Our playlists mostly focus on what is new but I thought it would be fun to check back to music we were listening to in the past. For those of you that were listening to CBC R3 back in the old days, many tracks will be familiar. There are a lot of tracks that might not be as familiar but the artist playing them is because it was from an earlier album before you became aware of them. There are also some French Canadian albums that I was completely unaware of at the time. So while it is a look back at 2006 there is still a lot of new music in there, for me anyways, and maybe for you as well.
I chose 2006 because I am hoping to make this a monthly playlist and there are 12 months in a year and 2006 was 12 years ago. The plan is to do a playlist about albums from 2007 next month and 2008 the next, etc for the next year and then see how it goes from there. It can be fun to check back and see what music we still love and what music we once loved but have moved on from and to find out what we missed. I made a YouTube playlist with most of the same songs that are on the Spotify playlist but there are some missing from it. 2006 was a pretty good year in music with albums from Hey Rosetta!, Tokyo Police Club, Wintersleep, Malajube, and so many more. I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane.
Good morning!
Good morning!
I forgot to push the schedule button last night, so there was a slight delay of the post showing up.
Final Fantasy – He Poos Clouds is on the YouTube playlist but not on Spotify.
Hello hello! Great playlist, as usual Darbar! I’m looking forward to giving it a listen a little later. Unfortunately for the moment I am transcribing interviews, which I have to say is the absolute worst part (to me) of being a student
Hi Janet! I hope you enjoy it when you get to listen to it. Transcribing interviews doesn’t sound like much fun to me. I am off to another day at a band festival where I don’t get to hear the bands and taking and sorting orders for photos. Not that much fun either but it gets me out of the dungeon for awhile.
The 2006 playlist is pretty darn good but I think 2007 will be my favourite. It seemed a lot of albums I like came out that year.
I am off! Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend, Darbar! Hopefully you’ll be able to hear some of the bands at some point!
darbar @ 7:04: I came in onto R3 in Feb. 2008. The music was indeed effing great!
I only started listening to R3 from June of 2010, but I had been listening to the podcasts for a few years before then
Let’s do the time warp …
Why 2006 particularly though?
Something funky for your Friday
The plan is to do one once a month and there are 12 months in a year and 2006 was 12 years ago. That was why I started there.
Well that is going to be some fun for us:) Thanks Durbar! Just the other day I was listening to an old R3 playlist that I saw @justin listening to. Listening to it had me contemplating the evolution of bands sounds; some I liked others seemed like de-evolution.
It is snowing.
It is sunny.
It is Spring.
Did anyone else watch q live last night?
Nope. Who was on?
Tom spoke to Jan Arden for a bit and they had a couple of female artists, whose names escape me, to perform live
I was trying out “Black Mirror” on Netflix. That is some weird stuff.
I should have stuck to music like you.
PS keep your eyes on the post. Suki and Morgana Jr have been busy.
It took me a while to start watching Black Mirror but I love it.
Should I be worried about packages in the mail now?
I love this. I know, she’s American, but that isn’t her fault.
I hope it will be fun looking back. Thanks morgana!
It is snowing here too!
I watched for a bit. I enjoyed that Jan Arden/Bob Rock segment.
Lights and Ruth B were on.
I liked the Black Mirror that was directed by Jodi Foster (season 1) ; parenting nightmares 101 but well done.
@DBS, thank you
@garfielduk just sent yesterday so you have a while to wait. Just a little something.
I think the last one I sent you took a couple of months to get there
seriously! i did not look at the date it was posted on but i do know it arrived when i was in vancouver so somewhere in the first week of March.
this is quite the listen down memory lane @darbar!
reminding me of all sorts of concerts and musicians that had fallen off my radar.
i missed tanya davis back in ’06 and am inspired to explore her talent more. i am less than half way through and will have to save the rest for another time.
if i don’t make it back here today, have a great weekend everyone.
I am starting to feel guilty about the fact that no package has contained anything for Mr. Morgana
Yesterday’s post has been updated with as many full album streams as I could find
I really like Tanya Davis, she is worth going back to check out.
Happy Weekend!
I finally got a chance to listen to this.
It does remind me of the old days. As I said elsewhere I found my old iPod and many of these songs are on there – all culled from CBCR3.
Thanks for checking it out Frankus! Next month will be 2007.