Hi, Our Basement!
Hope things are great with you!
Over the last year, I’ve been hard at work in the studio with producers Stephen “Koz” Kozmeniuk (Dua Lipa) and Michael Wise (Serena Ryder). The end result is a 4-song EP entitled Fools Gold.
You can hear the focus track now “Outrun The Pain” on Soundcloud and find the finished product ‘Fools Gold’ on Soundcloud, Spotify or Apple Music.
I feel like with this record we successfully nodded at my influences from the past while having a firm foot in the present. With only 4 songs I feel like this EP still covers a wide range of emotions and style.
I’ve finally reached the sound and vision I’ve always been striving for on Fools Gold. Koz and Mike knew how to perfectly harness my vintage influences while keeping the production modern.
Appreciate you checking “Fools Gold” out – Can’t wait to hear what you think!
Kieran Mercer
Good morning!
Nice shoes…
Makes you want to see him soft-shoe around a little bit.
Good morning.
Listening. Lot’s of production. I quite enjoy the guitar when it shows up. Nice end product.
I didn’t know you could buy shoes called stereo!
(hello, I’m on a funny sleep pattern again. more Vancouver than London)
Hi kids.
How’s things?
Hi Mom, Benoit took my lunch money again!
Benoit! Give Garf back his money!
I only had one kid. I don’t know how to deal with more than one. haha
Things are busy here;
entangled in a battle with the city and utility company trying to save a big old maple from the chopping block
the kid has a lot on the go that the mom is supporting her through including a 1.5 hour group interview after school today
we are having house guests next week so this super slow person is starting preparations now
there is a lot of music going on in town but I am pretending it is not so I don’t get too grumpy.
Here is a link though http://www.tinylightsfestival.com
Busy busy morgana. Don’t overdo it!
Thanks for the festival link. I recognize some artists playing. That’s all I will say about that. *hug*
The last two days have been too much indeed. Taking it slow today.
Tiny Lights is looking pretty fabulous. Maybe that would be a good one for you to come to next year; close to town with a shuttle bus so we don’t have to deal with camping/accommodations …
So it’s official then? The first OurBasement meet up will be around Tiny Lights next year (hopefully)
That would be great too. That set up at Kaslo looks pretty great though. Tiny Lights would definitely be easier for people flying in. I would love an OurBasement meet up.
We could do with some corporate sponsorship to cover these events in person
Get on that Garf!
eeerm, any ideas for leads?
I would be thrilled!
Hmmm…not yet Garf. :p
We will make it happen somehow!
is Keiran Mercer related to Rick Mercer at all?
I don’t know