“June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The Canadian Constitution recognizes these three groups as Aboriginal peoples, also known as Indigenous peoples.
Although these groups share many similarities, they each have their own distinct heritage, language, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.
In cooperation with Indigenous organizations, the Government of Canada chose June 21, the summer solstice, for National Aboriginal Day, now known as National Indigenous Peoples Day. For generations, many Indigenous peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year.” (from the Government of Canada website)
A day later, we are celebrating our Indigenous People’s music on the playlist. Officially yesterday, may have been National Indigenous Peoples Day but we can still listen. Listening is what many of us need to do more of and lots of the tracks on the playlist have lyrics we should pay attention to.
There are many stories and truths being spoken and if we open our hearts and minds, we might just hear them and start to understand. Music has always been a great way to build bridges and bring people together. There are stories that I have heard but didn’t really get and now I am hearing stories about things I had no idea about. I am listening now and some times shocked at what has gone on and stuff that is still a part of people’s daily existence. I feel like there are many of us out there that are ready to hear each other and work toward building those bridges. Let the music help us.
Recently I was involved in organizing a music event on the theme of Building Bridges: Paths to Reconciliation. Dale Mac was one of our musicians that shared his music and his stories with us. He also was involved in our planning and had some great insight to share with us. I wanted to share his music with you. I didn’t find him on Spotify so check out a track on YouTube. Dale and his band were playing in Banff for National Indigenous Peoples Day celebration there. Yay Dale!
There may have been a couple American artists that made it on the playlist. I discovered a couple but there may be more. Oh well, we like some Americans right?
Good morning! Say, I don’t see any playlist on the page. Is it showing for you? There’s a blank after the Dale Mac video.
Good morning!
Hi Russ!
I can see the playlist.
I wonder if it’s got to do with my old, old, still un-updated OS. FF doesn’t get the playlist (as mentioned), but neither does the native, old Safari browser. Ah well, no matter. Friday Morning Cartunes…
Oh yeah…
I have had that happen from time to time as well Benoit. Then it shows up again later.
It isn’t showing up on the PS4 either
It is showing on my laptop and my phone. Not sure what the issue is.
Maybe Spotify changed its access procedure?
That might be it. It doesn’t work the same on my old OS at work.
Give me a couple of minutes to grab some food and will see if I can see anything in the code
Thanks Garf
Can those that are missing the spotify playlist see the youtube clip?
Benoit said he could.
hmmm, I played with the code a little, could you refresh the page and let me know if it fixes/breaks anything
I wasn’t having a problem today, but it still looks fine to me.
I had to come downstairs to swap the battery in my wireless and decided to check today’s post along with yesterdays on the ps4 neither of which show the playlists so it is probably something they are doing
Unless they don’t like how many playlists we post
I am guessing it is a Spotify thing.
Who would have a problem with more playlists! Ha!
I still see both.
yeah, but you know how my mind works
thanks Russ
Hi, I’m back. Nothing has changed; I can activate the ‘youtube link’.
Yeah, I can both play it and go to youtube. But the playlist doesn’t show.
Wonderful intro.
No techno challenges for me … now that is a first!
Delving into the playlist as I unpack groceries and my luggage.
If you would like to take a break from listening and switch to watching you may enjoy this;
Hi morgana! Welcome back. Thanks for the link. It is stories like that (I haven’t watched yet, but assume) that have really hit me. I always felt like it was another time but these people are close to my age. It was happening near me and it is only recently I actually realized and started to understand the long lasting affects.
*back at the old OS computer and the playlist is invisible for me here but the video is there.
morgana I was just reading about Michael Rault’s missing gear! Ugh!
Thanks @Darbar. It was a good trip all in all. Zero shows which was frustrating but I got up to other fun that I can handle better at this point. It was great to come home to a Michael Rault show a few blocks from my house too. What about stolen gear? That didn’t happen here did it?
I am not uninformed but I believe I still have a lot to learn about how our Indigenous peoples were treated and how we can all move ahead together. I am learning a lot with my daughter which I find enjoyable. My sister lives in Whitehorse and she is involved with the Indigenous members of the community daily. Through her I have had the curtain pulled back on some ugly truths. Moving through the reconciliation stage is going to be a long and challenging journey but I am glad to be actively participating.
seeing as we have covered hearing as well as watching here is some reading too. Specifically the TRC reports.
Yes it happened in Nelson at the house they played at. He said they woke up to 3 guitars missing!
Well that is not the memory I want anyone to have of Nelson!
Where were you reading this from?
OK, lets add in the link for my 14:56!
OK, just posted some video of last nights house concert on FB to show the instruments.
It was on FB but I see you found it.
@darbar, can you see the vid’s I posted on FB? It is strangely not obvious to me if they attached to their post or if they are just part of what I shared. If that is even possible …
I did yes. Are they friends of yours that live there?
Nope, I just know the lady who does the promoting. Why?
I was just curious if you would be talking to them and find out more. Not good for them either to have someone steal right from their living room too.
Most people don’t lock their doors in this town.
I certainly would if all that gear was in my house!
I wonder if the gear was in the house or in their vehicle?
There were several local musicians and a person who works at the musicians gear store at the show so who ever took the stuff is going to have to get it far away from here to hawk it.
I also asked my teen to keep her ears open.
I’ll see if I can learn more through the promoter but she is off line right now.
I thought I read they went missing from the living room but not positive. Pretty shitty.
Edmonton native Michael Rault and his band performed at a house on Carbonate Street on Thursday night. They stayed the night there and left their gear in the home’s living room.
Nelson Star
Yup, confirmed taken from the living room.
@garfielduk not my living room though. a few blocks away. I wasn’t sure I would make it back in time to host or they would have been safe here
I’m out for the day kids.
See you next week:)