Here we go again! This time we are looking back to Canadian Indie albums of 2009. For those of you that were listening to CBC R3 back in the old days, many tracks will be familiar. There are a lot of tracks that might not be as familiar but the artist playing them is because it was from an earlier album before you became aware of them. So while it is a look back at 2009 there may still be some new to you tracks.
We started with 2006 in March because I was hoping to make this a monthly playlist and there are 12 months in a year and 2006 was 12 years ago. I missed June by a few days so we shall see if I get back on track. The plan is to do a playlist about albums from 2009 this time and 2010 next month, etc for the next year and then see how it goes from there. It can be fun to check back and see what music we still love and what music we once loved but have moved on from and to find out what we missed. I made a YouTube playlist that you can find below, with most of the same songs that are on the Spotify playlist.
2009 brought us great albums from Handsome Furs, Japandroids, Patrick Watson, Julie Fader, Two Hours Traffic, K-OS, K’NAAN and so many more. I find it hard to believe it has been 9 years since these albums came out but so it has. It’s a great trip back in time listening to tracks from them. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I have!
Good morning!
Later! Bike first!
Enjoy the biking, the weather here was about perfect for biking, gardening, outdoor stuff this morning. A nice break in the heat.
Sorry the above is actually from Scott.
I was wondering who that was. haha. Hi Scott.
Good morning all! We have the heat warning here today. Thankful I have air conditioned places to go to.
Back. Hello Grishnak! Yeah, cycling’s fun (even despite the wind).
(Written earlier, but posting forgotten.)
@Scott, Are you a hoopy frood and do you know where you towel is?
Towel? What towel? Don’t tell me I forgot my towel.
Dang I guess not!
Hi. 2009 eh? That was the year I moved away from the east coast… what was I listening to at the time? I was pretty into Canadian Indie for sure. I recall being very into Eliott Brood around that era.
anyway, I’m just tuning into the youtube mix, thanks for the afternoon tunes Darbar! I’ll see if this sparks any musical memories.
Cheers ya’ll, have a great weekend (I’m going camping up north a little ways, on one of the big lakes. It’s supposed to be 36 degrees tomorrow in the city, likely a little cooler on the lake a couple hours north. Good for swimming though!)
I was still only listening to the R3 pocasts in 2009
Garf, I wasn’t listening to the R3 podcasts at that time, or maybe I did occasionally. I’m not sure. I didn’t have a device that played podcasts and I’m not even sure if I knew what a podcast really was despite being on one for 5 years starting in 2003-2004 or so. (It started as a radio show on CKDU). I must have been listening to Radio 3 in some form or another in 2009 though, many of these songs are familiar. And I recall being into things like the Polaris Prize and what not so my Canadian Indie music senses were tingly at that time.
Scrolling through this playlist, I see Preistess “Ladykiller” is on there. One of my favourite tracks all time. Seriously, love it. So based on seeing that song on there, it reminds me that in 2009 I was very into Priestess and also Black Mountain. I still love those bands, I still listen to those bands.
Hiya FT! Nice to see you check in again. Black Mountain was on the 2008 playlist and I was listening heavily to them into 2009 as well. I hope you find a few gems in the playlist. I do enjoy looking back from time to time to the good ol’ days.
Just been staining and painting picture rail. I will listen to more of this when I go out to do the next application.
Sorry I missed …. everyone.
If you come back please post as I am inside doing boring chores and paperwork and would love to be distracted by you!
Still here now and then. Hi morgana!
Hi Morgana
@darbar, thanks for the playlist!
On the turntable now;)
Good memories. I remember listening and not knowing how to connect with everyone else. Mystery solved eventually, fast forward a decade and here we huddle.
Crazy isn’t it?
@garfield good day to you too:)
@darbar we aren’t getting any older though!
I refuse to mature, does that count?
So many musicians that I still look forward to listening to on this playlist.
I wish someone would release some funky studio or live stuff of Lhasa’s that is not available now. Miss her dramatic latin/quebec music.
What is the difference between maturing and growing through learning?
Haha! Never grow up!
Seems we need to commission a Peter Pan anthem for Our Basement!
Who would be your dream band to write and record it?
Is if you don’t always put it into practice what you have learned
@garfielduk I frequently forget my life lessons and repeat mistakes, so I am there too.
@Morgan, have you learned that you can’t jump down all the stairs in one leap yet?
And I have yet to learn that I should proof read my comments
@garfielduk nope, I don’t have it in me to pack up my cape. I have learned to get my blood checked regularly though so that I don’t fall down the stairs for lack of blood and oxygen getting to my brain.
Well look at you, all posh with ya brain. I want one of those
If I’m Posh which Spice Girl are you?
@darbar when might you find out if you have been selected for the Grand Jury?
I highly doubt I would be selected. I am not sure when they would contact people about it. After the short list is announced for sure. They like to have one champion per nominee. So if The Barr Brothers make it on the short list, I have a shot.
What if she already is on the Grand Jury but is not allowed to tell us
We need a secret signal. If you are on the Grand Jury blink twice
har har…I do wonder occasionally about how much I am supposed to be sharing.
Sorry, my computer went on one of those colourful pinwheel spinning breaks. Dear Santa, please bring me a new Mac.
I am taking a little speaker and my phone out to the paining and staining so I can keep enjoying todays playlist.
It is yucky hot out so I may also fill the clawfoot tub with some nice cold water!
I can’t believe I missed Elliott Brood even after FT mentioned them! Oops! They are added.
G’night folks, have a great weekend
There should be a new podcast on Monday
Look forward to it Garf!
Have a great weekend yourself!
Found a Peter Pan song!
I am being asked to host this artist but of course it is when we are out of town camping.
Peter Pan song? Too bad the timing doesn’t work out.
Peter Pan see my 12:55.
Came across the song by way of listening to the artist who is looking for a pad to play a house concert at.
this is better for Spotify peeps
Oh! Haha! It was a bit stressful at work today and I missed that.
The National, by Hannah Georgas, is still a killer song….
…as is pretty much anything by Jenn Grant…