August 2018 -

    Playlist Friday: Canadian Indie Labour Union

    This weeks playlist is in honour of Labour Day. Labour Day in Canada is celebrated on the first Monday of September. It originally gave workers the chance to campaign for better working conditions or pay. [...]

    By | August 31st, 2018|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |22 Comments

      New release for the week ending August 31st 2018

      KEN mode - Loved Loved by KEN mode This is quintessential KEN MODE, possibly the truest distillation of their mind and their mission to date. From the squealing feedback that bursts into manic energy on [...]

      By | August 30th, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: |16 Comments

        Innes Wilson – From Now to Forever

        How are you, Our Basement? Sitting on the edge of the bed alone, I was contemplating. The Bay of Fundy gleamed through the window in front of me, illuminated by an early morning light that [...]

        By | August 29th, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: |15 Comments

          Sophia Danai – Guns & Gold

          Hi Our Basement, When I wrote “Guns & Gold,” I was going through some challenges in my life that were beyond my control, and I became obsessed with MMA. The self-discipline and drive the sport [...]

          By | August 28th, 2018|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |6 Comments

            Ruben Young – Rachel Green ft. Hodgy

            Hey Our Basement, Everyone had a teenage dream girl/guy growing up. If you’re a 90’s kid like me, chances are it was someone like Topanga, Kelly Kapowski, or Hillary Scott. Whether it was a TV [...]

            By | August 27th, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: |12 Comments

              Playlist Friday: Canadian Indie Albums of 2011

              What were you doing in 2011? The tracks on the playlist this week are from Canadian Indie albums released in 2011. Music has a way of transporting us to a different time in our memories [...]

                New releases for the week ending August 24th 2018

                Basement Revolver - Heavy Eyes Heavy Eyes is the debut album from Canadian indie-rock trio Basement Revolver. There’s an air of weariness pervading the album, with the sleepy title Heavy Eyes summing up a general [...]

                By | August 23rd, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: , |6 Comments

                  Laye – Milk n Honey

                  Hey Our Basement, I’ve always been a quiet person. singing allowed me to not only discover who I am but also to express it. as I became more comfortable performing, I realized that I preferred [...]

                  By | August 22nd, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: |12 Comments

                    Ponytails – Cherry Pie

                    Hey Our Basement, We went into Ponytails trying to make something that was reflective of our personal relationship and what we wanted reflected in our music. With the “Cherry Pie” video, we took that same [...]

                    By | August 21st, 2018|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |7 Comments

                      Running Red Lights – Salt

                      Our Basement, “Salt” was a song we did not see approaching. It was not the usual process of chiselling away at a block of granite with a pencil. The song fell out as fluid as [...]

                      By | August 20th, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: |10 Comments