Our playlist this week is made up of the nominees for the first-ever Sask Music Awards. There’s a Western Canadian Music Awards. There’s a Saskatchewan Country Music Awards. But, until now, there has never been a Saskatchewan Music Awards.
“I don’t know why it hasn’t happened before,” said Mike Dawson, executive director of SaskMusic, “but I think it’s a really wonderful time to jump headlong into it.” (source: The Leader Post)
The nominees for the awards were announced November 13 and the awards ceremony will be held Sunday, November 25 in Regina. There are 18 categories and 9 genres along with industry awards. You can find more info and the list of nominees on SaskMusic’s website.
I am pretty proud of the Saskatchewan talent that comes out of this small province and love to share their music with others. This playlist gives a nice taste of that talent. I hope you enjoy it.
The logotype of the SMA reminds one of all those lofty Saskatchewan peaks.
And good morning!
Good MOrning,
Going to listen to your playlist shortly. Thank-you
Good Morning!
Yes many lofty peaks in Saskatchewan. Har har. (It’s not all flat though)
Here’s the link for the Canadian Indie Thanksgiving. It should still work for American Thanksgiving for anyone still celebrating it.
Busy weekend! The Smugglers show, The Grey Cup, Sask Music Awards and I have to fit in driving to and from Saskatoon and play rehearsals. Good thing I rested up last weekend.
Is your brother working the Grey Cup again this year?
No he didn’t get picked this year.
Good day friends.
Yesterday was Mr Morgana’s birthday. We took the day to do his favourite things; bought a VW Van to fix up and sell, soaked in the Nakusp hot springs and went for a nice dinner.
Today is catch up day so I am going to be listening but not posting much.
Thanks for the playlist so I can do just that:)
Happy Birthday to Mr. Morgana. Thanks for listening Morgana.
Hi Morgan
Well if he isn’t involved I ain’t watching
It took me a minute to realize the second half of your comment was for @darbar ….
Haha! I can see how that might be confusing.
@Garf – Honestly, that is the main reason I watch. I highly doubt I will be watching either.
Hey Ocean with Carmanah tonight.
I don’t have the necessary recovery day time …
I missed them Tuesday night here. I also missed Port Cities, Deep Dark Woods/Kacy & Clayton last night. Did you enjoy the DDW show morgana? It’s not everyone’s cuppa tea.
I also missed Hey O. + Carmanah a couple of weeks back. Ah well. I would have liked to hear Carmanah in particular.
I miss most bands I want to see because the last bus home isn’t late enough to see the headliner