1)Would you like to introduce yourself?
This Is Jeff Louch of Victory Chimes.
2)When and why did you start playing?
My parents put me and my 3 brothers in piano lessons when we were young. I think I started at 6. It was the Royal Conservatory so all classical music at the beginning. I think I quit at age 16 in favour of skateboarding but came back to music quickly on my own at 17. Started playing drums, bass, keys in rock bands with my older brother Bill and friends in high school. Starting playing in a band called “The River Phoenix” with 2 very influential friends Troy Richter and Darren Moore. Darren got me into jazz and improvised music and brought me back to piano. I enrolled in the music program at Dalhousie, Halifax, Nova Scotia with him studying jazz, classical and electro acoustic music. From there I transferred to Concordia in Montreal to finish a jazz and elecrto acoustics degree. Since then I’ve been playing in bands and writing and recording music here in Montreal.
3)What is your favourite part about this line of work? Your least favourite? Why?
It’s more of a way of life. If you can make a living from self reflection and expression – things that are already necessary in a fulfilled life, that’s a pretty good job right? So when It’s working that’s the best and when it’s not…well you know.
4)Is there a hidden meanings in your work that you are surprised that nobody spotted (or that was noticed quicker than you expected)?
The most powerful lyrics can be interpreted in different ways. When things are too literal it limits the depth of a given moment. So hidden meanings for me are not necessarily hidden meanings for others.
5)How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
The live show is a completely different animal for the recorded song. The most important thing is to trust yourself and your band and give in to the concept of the song unfolding from one moment to the next and not try to control anything too much. In this way a “mistake” is an important part of the delivery and may even inspire something new. It really is a mediative thing – staying present in the music while staying aware of the connection with an audience.
6)Which of your tracks would you recommend for any new listeners?
Our first single “Halos” seems to connect with most first time listeners.
7)If you were given the power to do so, which overused interview question would you have banned?
What is your favourite type of cookie?
8)And, most importantly, what is your favourite type of cookie?
Macadamia nut and white chocolate.
Good Morning
Good morning!
and then there was 3
The answer to 7 makes question 8 hilarious. Handled with grace. And macadamias.
I did cross my mind to make a slight edit to q8 to reflect the answer to q7
Oh yeah, a small typo in “and electo acoustics degree”
thank you!
What? Not a fan of the favourite cookie question! Who is this person?
here is a new release to add to Octobers post. Just read about them on CBC this morning.
Sorry I have not been around much. It is amazing how the days fill when you move the pace of a snail. I have been quite focused in Santa’s workshop. Oh, and I lost feeling in my right thumb Wednesday night so between the splint on the left hand and that “slow as molasses in January” personifies me.
hi morgana
it just means more cookies for
meusI like the 7/8 combo as well. The cookie question only makes any sense if you know some OurBasement history and Wild Raccoon’s love of cookies. I can imagine it being a strange question for some artists.
now I want cookies!
the only problem is that WR has a long(ish) back story with very little pay off
Speaking of WR, his December podcast is due next week. Do you have any Canadian holiday music you would like to hear?
And that is why I wonder about the cookie question on there.
I will have a Xmas playlist posted on the 21st. Having Ivan Hrvatska on it will be a must.
I put the cookie question on the list because It is a non music related question that not many (if any) other music sites would ask.
It can also give me ideas for future Cookie of the Month entries.
I would at some point* like to use these questions as a basis for WR to have interviews on his podcast.
*when I am brave enough (and have figured out how to do it).
You mean outside of Hrvatska’s Creessmooss?
(I didn’t post for a few minutes. I see I was bested.)
Ivans love of Creessmooss was on last Decembers podcast, and I am trying not to repeat tracks
Gotcha! On all points.
Well,… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIMbSU1okOY
December is not just for Christmas folks.
How about some birthday songs as well;)
I don’t know if Chopz listens to the podcast