Regina Show – January 17, 2019
It was a cold Thursday night in Regina but The Jerry Cans and Joshua Qaumariaq warmed up the sold out crowd with their high-energy uplifting show.
Joshua Qaumariaq started it off with a great blues/rock set. He was the lead singer of the band called The Trade-offs, which you can listen to below. He has a great blues voice and is a talented guitar player. He was backed by Brendan and Steve from The Jerry Cans for this tour and was a good start for the night.
The Jerry Cans kicked it up a notch when they took the stage. They made sure there was an area at the front of the stage for dancing and dance we did. Regina crowds are a bit on the reserved side, but The Jerry Cans managed to get us up and moving. There is a lot of talent in this band and together they make music that warms the heart and uplifts your spirit. Nancy’s throat singing and Gina’s violin playing add so much to their sound. Being the percussion loving person I am, I of course loved Steve’s drums as well. Brendan and Andrew weren’t so shabby either, holding it down on bass and fronting the band. Andrew was entertaining us with his banter as well. We went off into the cold feeling much warmer and ready to take on winter.
The Jerry Cans create music inspired by their hometown of Iqaluit, Nunavut, and life in the Canadian Arctic. With a unique mix of traditional Inuit throat singing and roots-rock sung in the Indigenous language of Inuktitut, The Jerry Cans are a distinctly Northern sound. The band is passionate about helping to preserve the Inuktitut language and are committed to challenging common misconceptions about life in the North. Their high energy performances have thrilled audiences in countries all across the globe including Australia, Scotland, Greenland, Cuba and Norway.
Band Members
Andrew Morrison (Vocals/Guitar)
Nancy Mike (Accordion/Throat Singing)
Gina Burgess (Violin)
Brendan Doherty (Bass)
Steve Rigby (Drums)

Good morning!
Hello! How are things there?
I just had a look at a weather map. Imagine that! Ottawa colder than Regina AND Saskatoon!
Hello Benoit. It was very cold here late last week and on the weekend but is warming up this week. The Jerry Cans commented on they like that it was a dry cold in Regina not like in Ottawa. Made me chuckle.
Yeah well I hope the Jerry Cans aren’t on tour; then, they’ll be able to enjoy “your” dry cold RIGHT HERE! I’m planning to go out a little later, but not without the longgies and a cotton balaklava. I’m looking forward to hearing the car, not started for 36 hours now…
They played Calgary last night and Red Deer tomorrow night. It is probably less dry there but still fairly so. Sorry you have a deep freeze going on there. Not fun.
I am having some internet issues right now. Not sure what’s up. Trying from my phone.
“Internet” is a multi-linked beast, really. A bit fragile, not robust anyway. Ah well.
May as well actually get something done. Amazing how much time can be spent on “the internet”
Internet: the ‘television’ of today…
At the work computer now. All is well here.
my computer usually works, me, not so much
Haha! I can have issues with that as well.
I am ready for a nap
Well, I was out there, dealing with the snow I’d not taken off the car, and some more that had drifted… It’s a case of like your mother said, dress for it and it’s fine, not even bitter cold. Just balaklava cold.
Also, our -25 is up to a quasi-hawaiian -21, so…
Truly, it’s fresh and snowy-nice out there. My car even started! Sounded TERRIBLE for the first 10 seconds!, but settled quickly into normality.
I am glad the car started. I am very familiar with unhappy sounding cars and everything is so stiff and like driving an ice block around. When it is cold it can look so pretty but be so harsh. Layers and layers of clothing is helpful in dealing with the cold.
I was outside for almost an hour today and it was quite nice.
no snow, just a little frost, and not too cold.
I heard that Ottawa was the coldest capital city in the world yesterday
I think maybe Ulan Bator, which has gained ‘A’s in now being spelled Ulaanbaatar, beats Ottawa for absolute cold (checked wiki, and yes), but that perhaps we have the widest swing — “ubee” is up there in altitude, there’s discontinuous permafrost, so I’m guessing it just doesn’t much get Ottawa’s heat-humidity in the summertime.
But then again… ubee: “Extreme temperatures in the city range from −42.2 °C (−44.0 °F) in January and February 1957 to 39.0 °C (102.2 °F) in July 1988.[27]”
37.8 Aug 11, 1944 Ottawa – Gatineau -36.1 Feb 15, 1943
From some site, asking about this. O.k., this site:
Hello fellow music lovers:)
Hi morgana. Must step out for 30-40 minutes. Later!
I have a bright and sparkly scene here. The full moon eclipse was partially obscured by clouds last night but by 1am it was as clear as a bell. I don’t sleep well so I can give you updates pretty much every hour and a half. The moon was super bright and all the snow was glittering with frost. Sunny now!! haven’t seen that in a long time.
Hi and later @BfromO!
Hi Morgana
Good day @GarrfieldUK:)
@darbar who could possibly sit through a Jerry Cans show? It sounds like the people I live around are pretty much the opposite from yours; not shy about the dance floor at all. I am glad you were able to go and hear/see them and report back to us.
Hi morgana.
Did anyone see the red moon thing? It was cloudy in Regina.
It was bright outside in the dark still.
How was your weekend?
I slept through the red moon thing
Yes I am glad I found a ticket to go to the show! Regina is ridiculously reserved unless it is a Riders football game that is. :p
We were up for the whole eclipse. Like I said, it was a bit obscured by clouds but pretty cool to watch. No red what so ever. The night before there was a very attractive ring around the moon that was red however.
My weekend was very uneventful. I did check out the links yesterday for Cascadia lyrics and song descriptions. Hannah Epperson plays violin on a few songs! Anyone else check out the links?
I had a quick look see
some more fun tid bits are revealed like talking to Kevin Drew while he is in the tub ….
I had read what you said about the moon but quickly and then flipped my brain back to what I am working on for work. Apparently it didn’t stick. Sorry about that. hehe
I am having my stitches out today so I have to do my vestibular exercises and get myself out into that gorgeous day.
Checking in and out for the next hour then gone for a few hours.
If anyone would like to do some STW reading here are the links;
Song descriptions
@Morgan, I hope the stitch removal goes smoothly
I can not say I tam not erribly excited about being poked at again but one must march on … and then go out for a chocolate treat!
I don’t think I have ever had sutures removed, they gave me de-solving stitches when I was a child and staples when they fixed my broken leg.
I’m the type of coward that would ask if the could be left in
but then again I have asked if I could have some nitrous before a blood draw (it was a big needle and the bottle was right there)
It’s so busy in here that I can’t keep up
I’m going to get an early night so I can finish the podcast and post it in the morning
Work is keeping me occupied today.
how dare you swear at me like that!
Haha! Sorry about that. Night Garf.
Beer and pizza with The Lady Rebels club tonight! Woot!