March 2019 -

    Playlist Friday: A Canadian Indie Spring

    Spring, glorious Spring! Winter ended up pretty harsh around here this year and it seems in many other places as well. This week we celebrate the season with a playlist of songs for Spring. I [...]

    By | March 29th, 2019|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: |13 Comments

      New releases for the week ending March 29th 2019

      Devin Townsend - EMPATH (HevyDevy Records) Opening the album is Castaway, an atmospheric and sedate number, using the sound of waves and seagulls along with a slow and relaxing electrical guitar solo prior to the [...]

        5 Little Violin Prodigies

        New at the CMIM Mini Violini: 5 Little Violin Prodigies May 27 and 28 at Bourgie Hall The Concours musical international de Montréal (CMIM) has announced the creation of Mini Violini, a showcase for 5 [...]

        By | March 27th, 2019|Categories: News|11 Comments

          Maybelleen – Emily

          Hey Our Basement! Moving to Toronto from our hometown of Montreal last summer inspired and challenged us. We wanted to create something to immortalize this milestone, so we shot and compiled what is now the [...]

          By | March 26th, 2019|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |10 Comments

            8 Random Questions with … Liam

            Q1, Would you like to introduce yourself? I'm Liam! Nice to meet ya. Q2, Do you share the same taste in food as your partner? I'm highly non-picky, so yes! These days I've been eating [...]

            By | March 25th, 2019|Categories: 8 Random Questions|Tags: |38 Comments

              Playlist Friday: Canadian Music Week 2019

              I was looking for new ideas for playlists and got the suggestion for festivals from our friend Morgana. I liked the idea and am running with it. The first festival I picked was the Canadian [...]

              By | March 22nd, 2019|Categories: Festivals, Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |25 Comments

                New releases for the week ending March 22nd 2019

                Dawn Davi - Sweet Apple Originaire de l’Iran et ayant immigré au Canada en 2009, Dawn Davi a voulu rendre hommage à son pays adoptif et dans lequel elle s’est forgée une nouvelle identité, en [...]

                By | March 21st, 2019|Categories: New Music, News|11 Comments

                  ASHS – 3AM Pt. 2

                  Hey Our Basement, I explore the depths of volatile romance further with the release of my 3AM Pt. 2 EP. 3AM Pt. 2 is a continuance of my debut 3AM Pt. 1 EP which included [...]

                  By | March 20th, 2019|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |9 Comments

                    TILSEN – Hurts

                    Hi Our Basement, My name is TILSEN and I was singing before I could speak. As the daughter of an opera singer, I’ve formed a deep affinity with the human voice. I spend a lot [...]

                    By | March 19th, 2019|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |33 Comments

                      Take A Listen To This

                      If you haven't already you should take a listen to these new tracks from Iskwe, Saxsyndrum, and Close Talker. They all bring us something different to hear and I love that diversity. Read what they [...]

                      By | March 18th, 2019|Categories: New Music, News|34 Comments