Hi Our Basement,
I’m always torn between the need to do right by the people I love, and the darkness that resides deep within. Love, sexuality, sensuality, and vulnerability are the leading elements for this new chapter of my artistic journey.
I wrote the lyrics for this song, and produced it alongside Max-Antoine Gendron. We always keep our recording sessions very private. We write everything at his house in his home studio. I’m not a fan of big studios for writing sessions – I think it puts too much pressure on the creative flow to manifest itself. Ultimately, all you need is a computer, basic instruments, and a mic. The rest is bullshit, especially nowadays with so much technology at our fingertips.
Max-Antoine and I never come in with a specific goal in mind. We usually talk for a while before actually getting down to writing, letting our instincts and energy guide us. I think it’s important that we’re in sync, and feel comfortable enough to share and exchange. It makes everything more special and personal. I want people to connect with how I felt. Combined with the beat’s sweet groove and positive energy, “Dazed” is an emotional yet provocative tune.
Thank you for listening.
Hello, how was your weekend
Good Morning,
It was a good weekend. Friday was music and munchies at the music school. For my selection I played “The White Cliffs of Dover” A few people even recognized it and sang along. Saturday I was down to see my folks, and Sunday was just puttering around the house.
@Scott, you can tell “The White Cliffs of Dover” wasn’t writen by a Brit, we don’t have bluebirds here.
This refresh things still annoys me. I just lost another message. Ugh.
So I was saying…I am still stiff and sore from my weekend. I was hauling a bunch of boxes of vinyl and CDs for the community radio garage sale and moving stuff at my place to prepare for my son moving out this week.
I had a lovely evening Friday with theatre people and yesterday at a bbq with wine society people. I was shopping at that garage sale and picked up a few things and then did my radio show last night. I am tired.
That is a lovely song Scott and sounds like a nice weekend. How was your weekend Garf?
@ Garf, well the world is not free yet either, so maybe when it is you will have bluebirds in jolly old England.
@ Dar, sounds like you had a fun weekend, I’m sure preparing for your son moving out is both scary and exciting. It sounds like you belong to some great communities in the theatre and wine world.
@DBS, Does that mean you have a spare room for an illegal immigrant
@Scott, are you a music teacher. Sorry if I forgot. Sounds like a great weekend to me.
@darbar holy life changes! Is your young man moving in with his young lady?
I need to mark my calendar for yours and @garfieldUK’s radio slots. I keep missing and it is irritating me.
My weekend was not much fun. Seasonal allergy package arrived with sinus headaches, constant sneezing and runny nose, strong desire to scratchy eyes out followed by chafed nose and lack of sleep.
I pretended it wasn’t going on as I tried to help morgana jr prepare for grade 12 finals. That was super fun too.
Complaints section is full so let’s talk about SAENS …
“The rest is bullshit, especially nowadays with so much technology at our fingertips.” SAENS
When I read this I did not expect to be pressing play on electronic music.
It looks to me like his photo has been taken under the Lions Gate Bridge on the north side. Vancouver artist?
HI Morgana,
I am an adult music student. The only music instrument I played was the stereo, until I had the idea I should try my hand at violin when is was 40ish. I’ve been at it about 15 years, good thing I had no idea what I was getting into.
Your weekend doesn’t sound that great. I know what the allergy thing is like. Fortunately it only lasts about 2 weeks in the spring for me.
I’m sure with your help Jr.’s finals will be great.
my daughter decided she wanted to learn to play the violin when she was about 6. It is a good thing I had no idea what we were getting into either. Suzuki training for six years. She hasn’t played in a long time obviously but the love of music is in there.
Right on you for keeping going for 15 years and counting!
so you performed The White Cliffs of Dover then. When you said, “played” I thought you pressed play on a device of some sort. Again, very cool!
Yes performed would be a more accurate way of saying it.
Sorry I’m off again.
See you tomorrow
Sorry I was away again.
I too thought play not perform. Very cool Scott. I took up drumming in my 40s as well. Sadly I haven’t been playing my kick drum but it is going to find a new spot in the basement after my son moves out and I am going to start banging on it again.
Yes, he is moving with his girlfriend. A whole new adventure for him and myself as well. I am not sure what I am going to do with my house at this point but cleaning it out is the first step. There is a spare room in it now Garf.
Sorry to hear about your kind of crappy weekend morgana. Blech.
can anyone understand what is being said in Dazed?
I don’t really listen to lyrics. I remember playing it this morning but I forget what I heard. I am listening to Long List albums now.
I mean I listen some but it is not my main focus. The music and the beat are my main focus.
morgana, it’s hard, even with headphones. I do not like autotune.
And hello…