1. Would you like to introduce yourself?
Not Really
2. What was the last piece of music you heard that made you think, I wish I wrote that?
Mr. Brightside by the Killers
3. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Three and a half
4. What are your phobias?
Whatever’s at the bottom of the ocean
5. What was the last movie you saw?
Aladdin (the good one)
6. When did you last have a hair cut?
Coming on 2 months
7. Which is your favourite TV show?
Two way tie between The Office and Seinfeld
8. And, most importantly, what is your favourite type of cookie?
Dad’s Goodie Ring
sorry about the slight delay
and the short answers
oh and
joyeux anniversaire Benoit d’Ottowa
Good morning!
The questions were answered. No need for long answers.
Huh. A post of mine didn’t post, apparently. It sorta said thx garf, and something about the q & a.
a store bought cookie! so does wild racoon get a month off from the recipe club portion of the show?
OK, the site is very buggy today … trying to post again.
I tried really hard to listen to hip hop this past weekend, for the sake of the Polaris short list. Shad and Snotty Nose Rez Kids have both created some great lyrics/poetry. The musical component is where it falls apart for me and my taste but I can still understand that it is good quality.
@B from O
Where’s the party at?
We are heading to the West Coast for a road trip this summer. I had forgotten how expensive all the ferries are!!
Thankfully the grocery store we frequent has a points collection scheme that I have redeemed points from for ferry passes.
I am also thankful that we have people to stay with most of the trip so the ferries and fuel are the main expenses.
@Morgana, a lot of the people that answer the questions list bought cookies with the most popular being Oreo
I wonder if there are acapella versions of some of the rap tracks out there. If Kylie can read the lyrics to I Should Be So Luck as poetry than some rap lyrics can be read in the same way
Having friends in other parts of the world makes travel so much easier
Sometimes I torture myself by looking at music festivals that I really want to get to (one of these types of things).
Here is a great example of that
@GarfieldUK different perspectives on food I guess. I would never think to answer a brand name as I grew up in the kitchen.
I am trying to keep my ears open to other music than my go-to’s. Also staying informed for Polaris. I still think Elisapie should take home that award though. I absolutely love Ballad of the Runaway Girl.
That difference in taste thing is awesome. I like hip hop music and love the Shad and Snotty Nose Rez Kids albums. Elisapie had tracks I liked but the album as a whole didn’t keep me interested. I also recognize that it is a good album but just not my thing.
Also, I eat far too much store bought stuff and hate cooking. My size is proof of that. Having said that, my favourite cookie would not be store bought but made by someone else or a bakery. :p
Festivals…I have the next 3 weekends of very different festivals. Gateway down in Bengough, SK and then out to Kaslo, BC and then back home for Regina Folk Fest. Whew!