Q1, Would you like to introduce yourself?
We’re a bunch of liberal arts students-turned acoustic folk musicians from Toronto. We use fiddle, mandolin, cello, guitar and voice to make music that takes some inspiration from traditional folk music, and then runs amok with it.
Q2, Do you share the same taste in food as your partner?
As a band, no. The twins have an budget-bending taste for very expensive cheeses, and Yas’ tastes are very mood-dependent. Although, we did make a barley soup on the studio hotplate that was really quite nice.
Q3, How old do you feel?
The age of someone who’s been a dad for long enough to really settle into that social role. Let’s say 47.
Q4, What causes would you actually fight for?
Climate change and America’s treatment of immigrants, both documented and undocumented.
Q5, What is the worst type of discrimination you have come up against?
Yasmine has faced racism as well as deaf jokes for her unilateral hearing loss. Doesn’t stop her from being an absolutely devastating singer.
Q6, When did you last feel guilty?
Someone had the idea to bring this giant Persian rug to put on stage for our most recent show, but we forgot to pack it up when we finished. By the time we realized, the next band had already set up on it, so they had to move all their gear for us to get our rug back. It was mortifying.
Q7, Where do you draw the line with publicity shots?
Anything particularly dark or serious is absolutely off limits.
Q8, And, most importantly, what is your favourite type of cookie?
A chocolate chip cookie with an oreo baked into the middle.
Good day!
Good morning!
I like the Basset track and that cookie sounds interesting. Ha!
I think Oreos are my least favourite sandwich cookie. Not there when I was young (1950s), never bought. When I started having a few, when I was perhaps 20, I found them to be under-chocolatey and much too sweet. (Talking about the standard-issue Oreo.) My taste-opinion hasn’t changed.
They sure have, though (in the US): Have a quick look at “Other flavors” : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Oreo_varieties
They certainly aren’t my favourite cookie but I enjoy them from time to time. I split them and eat one wafer separately and the filling and the other wafer last. Nothing is ever too sweet for me…unfortunately.
I am off to finish up a few things and pack up for the road trip to Kaslo! Have a great week!
Ta! (And you need the Double Stuf ones!)
I would much rather have some custard creams than Oreos
The more comments I read the more I see that I am badly undereducated in the world of sandwich cookies. Accepting any recommendations for cookies to bake into a chocolate chip cookie!