Playlist Friday: Polaris Music Prize Short List 2019

    It's time to revisit the Polaris Music Prize Short List before the Polaris Gala. Taking place September 16 at The Carlu in Toronto, Polaris Short List-nominated acts FET.NAT, Les Louanges, Haviah Mighty and Snotty Nose [...]

      New releases for the week ending September 13th 2019

      Alli Walker - The Basement Sessions: What I Have Learned So Far (Independent) A full album based on mental health and bettering yourself is a rarity; Canadian country artist Alli Walker has done just that [...]

        Kill Chicago – Show Me

        Our Basement, Our new song, “Show Me,” grew out of a campfire argument with a group of Baby Boomers about the problem with our generation of millennials. Despite following all of their advice, we still [...]

        By | September 10th, 2019|Categories: New Music|Tags: |12 Comments

          Venus Furs – Guards in the Garden

          Hello Our Basement, Absorb and lose yourself in the layers of music. After five years of work with Seratone Studio’s Simon Petraki, I’m gearing up to release the debut, self-produced Venus Furs LP in 2020. [...]

          By | September 9th, 2019|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |2 Comments

            Playlist Friday: Back to School Curriculum

            It's that time of year. After Labour Day Weekend and into September, the summer holidays are over and the kids are back in school. This week we are heading back to school with our musical [...]

            By | September 6th, 2019|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |16 Comments

              Dan Moxon – Playing With Fire

              Hello Our Basement, I was really feeling the vibe of my Motown LP collection when working on “Playing With Fire,” the latest track I’m sharing with you today from my debut album, Lounge Singer. It’s [...]

              By | September 4th, 2019|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |6 Comments

                Red Arms – Ran Away

                Hey Our Basement, Remaining “willfully obscure” no longer, we are releasing our first full-length album called Critical State via Yeah Right! Records on September 13th, and we want you to know about it! Our debut [...]

                By | September 3rd, 2019|Categories: New Music, Video Release|2 Comments