Q1, Would you like to introduce yourself?
Hi, my name’s Keith Mosfet and I’m an alcoholic.
Q2, Did you send a card last Valentine’s day?
No, I am more of a Valentines day flowers kind of guy.
Q3, How successful do you think you are?
Tremendously unsuccessful. But probably not terrible.
Q4, Were you a healthy child?
Nope. I’ve been an asthmatic my whole life. Pale skin and lots of sun burns too. Being poor and neglected probably didn’t help.
Q5, What things embarrass you?
The shame of how unsuccessful I am.
Q6, When did you last feel guilty?
This morning. I didn’t finish the free yogurt we got at work for breakfast.
Q7, Where do you draw the line with publicity shots?
I hate them. I really dislike having to take photo’s of myself for advertising. So having being forced to do it I never want to do something normal. I’d rather be in an interesting setting or something something artistic or funny.
Q8, And, most importantly, what is your favourite type of cookie?
I like them chocolate peanut butter cookies. Dipped in milk. Reminds me of my few happy childhood moments.
Thanks for your answers Keith. You left me wanting more. The mood of the song fits in well too.
I took a workshop on interviewing last night. I would need a 12 week course to be any good at it. I did learn about open ended questions and closed end questions. There are both of those in the 8 random ones today. There are also times when a follow up question would be good. hehe
Good Morning,
I liked the song & interview this morning.
I love the 8 Random Questions and Keith’s answers come across as genuine and very entertaining.
Listening is next …
I remember learning about open ended and closed ended questions a lifetime ago when I was new to retail. I did well in retail but quickly realized I prefer working for NGO’s and not for profits. The knowledge of how to use the different types of questions was/is still useful.
It was an interesting workshop but I did need longer. He was only able to touch on a few things. I did get a few good tips that should help when I attempt to interview someone. I do hope to start doing that for the radio show and this blog at some point.
@darbar having another skill to bring to the radio/blog music world sounds great. Well done keeping learning new skills. I have a cold and just want to go to bed.