It is now 2020 and our first playlist of the year is all about being New & Rejuvenated. The playlist may be old and been started in 2018 but it has been renewed with fresh tracks added to it last year and again this year. New songs from Anyway Gang, Badge Époque Ensemble, Rebecca Foon, Patrick Watson, Holly Hyatt, Dan Moxon and more are on the playlist now. There are songs ringing in the new year, new starts and beginnings, changes, and hopes and dreams for the future. Hours of great Canadian Indie music to help get you ready for the year.

There were many new discoveries made again in 2019 at OurBasement with more new artists reaching out to us. We love to give them some space to be heard and to let you know about them. I expect that will continue on in 2020 as well. I would like to remind you that if you have an idea for blog posts or playlists, please let us know. We also welcome any new contributors and/or ideas to the blog. In the meantime, Garry and I will continue on doing our thing. I would like to thank everyone that has been a part of the blog, by posting comments, reading posts, listening to new tracks and playlists, sharing the posts etc. We very much appreciate you.