Hey Our Basement,
“My God” is a self-portrait.
It’s all of the things I couldn’t say when I was younger because I didn’t understand them yet.
This song started at my kitchen table, playing my guitar, and reading through some journals from when I was 15. I saw the lines, My God, can I ever get some peace to sit still and not feel guilty? Right then, I realized I was ready to give the old me a voice.
“My God” is personal, so I made an acoustic version.
Watch my performance on YouTube.
For most of my life, I have struggled with obsessive compulsive disorder and insecurities about self-image. Because of this, living with OCD and experiencing ‘micro-stardom’ as a child had a huge impact on me. I think we all have thoughts (like bullies), or trauma, or experiences we can’t let go of that pop up into our minds when we’re lying in bed at night or listening to music alone. The hook of they won’t let me go repeating over and over captures the feeling of being held captive by thoughts you don’t understand and can’t control.
I want this song to reinforce that nobody is too pretty to be sad, nobody is too happy to be hurting. If someone tells you they are struggling, the most important thing you can do is simply believe them.
In Tiandaland, we celebrate progress.
If you don’t clap for you who will?
Good Morning
Good morning Scott
If this song had have come on the radio or what ever I would have let it slide right by because I am not much for the overall sound. Because it is here, I read the write up and actually listened. Still not my jam but I appreciate what she has to say and how she came to create the piece. Yay for having this platform:)
Indeed morgana.