Q1, Would you like to introduce yourself?
Hi, I’m Michael Wynn, some people call me Wynnzie, others Flynn, my mom and family call me Mike. I have been in bands all my life. I just reunited with one of my former bands, Vicky von Vicky, we just played the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto in early March and were planning more stuff until live music ceased and the stay-at-home quarantine stuff happened, I think we all will be loving live music a little more when this is all over. Oh yeah and I have some new solo music as Melted Wings out now: “Burning White” is new today, the rest of my EP “Wake me up before I Scream” will be out next week.
Q2, Did you ever run away from home?
Hmm yes once, but I don’t think anyone realized, I went to meet a (girl)friend in a field in the country, when I was maybe 10 on a weekend and never told anyone, when I got home I hid in a closet and said to everyone I was in there all day reading comics or something.
Q3, If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be?
My dad’s last birthday party before he passed on, he had just turned 65 and was really in a bad way with Alzheimer’s, my brother asked us all to play/write a song for him at his summer party (he was in a wheelchair, and couldn’t really communicate), but I couldn’t come up with anything, they all went up and played songs for him, I wish I had at least gone up and played, but at the time I had stepped away from music and didn’t feel comfortable. I regret it to this day.
Q4, Reveal a secret about yourself
Well I think this secret will be out after my EP comes out, but I absolutely LOVE disco, just as much as the rock stuff.
Q5, What was the last movie you saw in a cinema?
To be honest I think it was The Incredibles 2 last year, with my kids who are older now, my daughter is now 20, but I remember taking her to see the first one back in 2003/2004? And at the time it was one of those “Encore” theatres, meaning the movie was no longer playing at the regular theatres. It was a theatre for about 300 people I think and other than us, there was another dad & son there. It was weird but I think she enjoyed it, ever since that we promised that we would see the second one no matter when it came out.
Q6, When was the last time you laughed until you cried?
I can’t really remember, probably happened when I made my wife laugh at some point and then we both started laughing and then I laughed back just because of the way she was laughing. Could have been our joke that she wanted to name our dog “Lord”, I have said this to a few people now, but I told her that that was a terrible name for a dog, imagine if you are outside and yelling “Lord, come here Lord!”, or the dog gets lost and your yelling “Lord!! Has anyone seen my Lord!”, you get the picture
Q7, Which is your favourite TV show?
Better Call Saul right now, but after next week it will be Brooklyn Nine-Nine. For me it depends on the time of year! Also loved all the Fargo seasons, as well as True Detective. And of course Game of Thrones. I just binged Sex Education on Netflix a couple months ago, it was great, and right now I’m watching Fleabag. TV over movies for me anytime.
Q8, And, most importantly, what is your favourite type of cookie?
Have to say Peanut Butter Cookies are my favourite, after that Oatmeal cookies are a close second. Cookies with OJ or Milk are fantastic!
Thanks for posting this Garry! Haven’t been here in awhile, I hope you’re all ok. cheers Wynnzie
Good Morning,
Great interview with Wynnsie Garf. Thank-you
That was great Wynnzie! I laughed, I cried, I cheered. Looking forward to the album!
Ha thanks Darlene! Only 5 songs though, 2 of which you’ve already heard. haha. these things take time, gotta say I am already planning new music, if $$ permits. Time already does at this point.
That money part can be a big hurdle. I am expecting to hear some cool stuff coming out of this from many artists. It should be interesting.
Yes agreed Dar!