Max Parker – Right Back Where We Started

    Hey Our Basement, "Right Back Where We Started" is a sentimental tune, inspired by a recent relationship where things were going great. And then it went sideways! Now I'm wishing for that special feeling in [...]

    By | August 17th, 2020|Categories: News|1 Comment

      Playlist Friday: Six Shooter Records

      The playlist this week is the seventh in a series of playlists where we are checking out Canadian Independent Record Companies and the artists they represent. We have checked out Arts and Crafts, Constellation Records, [...]

        New releases for the week ending August 14th 2020

        Blanks - Beyond These Walls EP Beyond These Walls by BLANKS Crown Lands - Crown Lands (UMC) Bobby Bazini - Move Away Busty and the Bass - Eddie (Arts & Crafts) Eddie by Busty and [...]

          Devan – Real Shot

          Hi Our Basement, It's Devan! I am so excited for you to hear "Real Shot" today, and share a preview of my new solo project. You may be familiar with my other band Wild [...]

          By | August 12th, 2020|Categories: New Music|Tags: |1 Comment

            The Nursery – Radium Girls

            Our Basement, The documentary, Radium City, which focuses on the women who died of radium poisoning due to their work painting it onto clock dials in the 1920s, was a huge influence on our new [...]

            By | August 11th, 2020|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |1 Comment

              Emi Jeen – Runaway

              Hey Our Basement, When I first began to write the lyrics for this song, I was in LA and just wanted to escape reality. I wasn't comfortable in my current situation, having so many [...]

              By | August 10th, 2020|Categories: New Music, Video Release|Tags: |1 Comment

                Playlist Friday: Canadian Indie Book Lovers Day

                Our playlist this week is in honour of Book Lovers Day. There are tracks about books, songs with literary references, or about words or writing or some connection to books. Book Lovers Day is celebrated [...]

                  New releases for the week ending August 7th 2020

                  Screamin' Deal - The August Incident! (Cancon) The August Incident! by Screamin' Deal Fast Romantics - Pick It Up (Postwar Records) Heaps - What Is Heaps? Jody Glenham - Mood Rock New Fries - The [...]

                  By | August 6th, 2020|Categories: New Music|2 Comments

                    Sam Lapro – Designer Lies

                    Our Basement, “Designer Lies” is a polite way of saying f you to an ex, a ghoster, a leave-you-on-read kind of guy who gets caught up in wanting to live a boujee life, and lacks [...]

                    By | August 5th, 2020|Categories: New Music|Tags: |1 Comment

                      Sam the Astronaut – Monster Squad (Love so Crazy)

                      Hey Our Basement, "Monster Squad (Love so Crazy)" is a feel-good summer anthem, inspired by 1987's The Monster Squad. TJ made the beat after watching the movie, with a focus on the final line where [...]

                      By | August 4th, 2020|Categories: New Music|Tags: |1 Comment