It’s that time of year. After Labour Day Weekend and into September, the summer holidays are over and the kids are back in school. This year is definitely different for students, teachers and parents. There are some added stresses and uncertainties. Be gentle and caring as everyone navigates this different world. This week we will concentrate on heading back to school with our musical curriculum. The songs on our curriculum starts with September and moves through many subjects. School, friends, kids, teachers, learning and then we talk about the future. These kids are our future and they are going to school to improve their futures in uncertain times. Next on the curriculum are the subjects of some of the tools that are used in school such as books, notes, paper, ink and the like. Followed by some of the subjects we take in school such as math, science, history and art. Next on our curriculum is about a bit of daydreaming and the hope of making it through the year followed by some literary tracks carried over from the Book Lover’s Day playlist.
It is a full curriculum and I hope you can keep up and enjoy your musical education. Your homework is to listen to the curriculum and then report on what your favourites are. It is a requirement to pass Prof DarBar’s class.
I tried a converter to make a YouTube playlist as well.
Thanks for the homework Professor.
(thanking someone for homework, now that’s a first)haha
Haha! I hope you enjoy your assignment Scott!
Did you see the new releases post yesterday Scott? I missed the post until late at night. I have had a couple of mixed up days though.
No I missed it. I’ll have a look, probably Monday.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I wasn’t sure if it was just me!
Ha! Typing on my phone sucks
Haha, I get that sometimes my texts are unreadable.
Have a good weekend
You too Scott!
(I edited the comment a bit)