Q1, Would you like to introduce yourself?
Hi, I’m Jessie Lee, a Canadian singer and songwriter with songs focused on reflections, revelations and romance. My new single “Body Sings” produced by Daniel Espina has electro/indie bedroom pop vibes. With the song title, I wanted to create the imagery of a happy dancing body just feeling really good. When I say “my body sings” I’m referring to the vibrations the body gives off when you’re in that pure love state.
Q2, How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Too many if I’m being honest, but I always alternate between the same 2 pairs…
Q3, How old do you feel?
Ha! Whenever someone asks my age, my initial reaction is always 23. Even though I’m older, I have to correct myself and genuinely figure out how old I am, it’s weird.
Q4, What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
So hard to choose just one!! My current favourite is Salted Caramel Cluster from So Delicious, it’s vegan and so flavourful.
Q5, What was the first album you bought on vinyl?
In high school, I was passed down my grandmother’s old record player, and with it a ton of Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd vinyls from my uncle. That was the beginning of my vinyl collection!
Q6, If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be?
Well, this is one tough question. I would have to say the day my fiancé proposed to me, so cheesy I know. It’s mostly because we spent the whole day on a beach together. The day started off with me in a bikini floating on a waterboard in the midst of lush trees and a sunny sky. He proposed to me with just the two of us standing in the sand in front of the water, everything was calm, beautiful and filled with love. Definitely a high vibrational day I will always cherish!
Q7, Who would you credit most for helping with your success?
So many amazing people. At the end of the day I would say my fiancé and parents. They each give me the opportunity to be my authentic self and pursue my songwriting and artist career without question. There is nothing but open support there and for that I am truly grateful.
Q8, And, most importantly, what is your favourite type of cookie?
Ginger Molasses
You can find Jessie Lee on Intagram, Soundcloud, and Spotify