Hey Our Basement,

We are the Vancouver indie rock band Colour Tongues, back with the second track from our debut LP, Midnight Island, coming out in 2021. Produced by Matt di Pomponio, “Fire” is the antithesis of “Wasted” in that it uses the same dreamy soundscape, but is a high energy kickstart instead of a wind-down.

Where “Wasted” gave us chill vibes on a sunny beach, “Fire” is a song about the strain and anger felt in familial bonds that, when left unchecked for years, can come to a boil and threaten to burn those connections down. When faced with the choice, do you forgive and try to rebuild those relationships together? Or do you let them go and give in to the flames?

Sometimes in order to heal you need to be willing to compromise and recognize your own faults. Gain some humility – be ok with being wrong. If that is what it takes to move past something and bring back the love you once knew with someone you care for, it’s worth it!

Thanks for joining the ride.
– Colour Tongues

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