October 2021 - ourBasement.ca

    Playlist Friday: Canadian Indie Halloween

    Halloween is tomorrow and we have a whole lot of music to help you celebrate, Canadian Indie style. The playlist began back on the old CBC R3 site back when we could make playlists on [...]

    By | October 29th, 2021|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |1 Comment

      New releases for the week ending October 29th 2021

      Diamondtown - Diamondtown DIAMONDTOWN by Diamondtown Alanna Gurr - Life of the Party (Missed Connection Records) Life of the Party by Alanna Gurr Jasper Sloan Yip - double EP, Strange Calm / Blushing Autumn (Tiny [...]

        The Wild Raccoon Radio Show Episode 32

        Wild Raccoon celebrates Halloween with this weeks spooktacular. What did you think of this week's episode? Do you have any ideas as to what themes would you like to hear on future shows? [...]

          The Detours – Tell Me

          Hi Our Basement, We're back, and there's a lot of new music coming. First of which is the official video for our single, "Tell Me." The concept for a long, continually unbroken take has been [...]

          By | October 26th, 2021|Categories: New Music|Tags: |Comments Off on The Detours – Tell Me

            Cherry Blaster – New Age

            Hi Our Basement, Whether the bigger source of this fear was external or internal, as I approached my thirties, I couldn't shake the feeling that my "time was up" as an aspiring musician. One morning [...]

            By | October 25th, 2021|Categories: New Music|Tags: |Comments Off on Cherry Blaster – New Age

              Playlist Friday: OurBasement Randomness 2

              The playlist this week is OurBasement Randomness 2. The randomness was so much fun the first time, we are doing it again. It is once again a combination of some of Spotify’s Daily Mix tracks [...]

              By | October 22nd, 2021|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |1 Comment

                New releases for the week ending October 22nd 2021

                Dooms Children - Dooms Children (Dine Alone) Dooms Children by Dooms Children Andrea Ramolo - Quarantine Dream Quarantine Dream by Andrea Ramolo Beth McKenna - Beyond Here Beyond Here by Beth McKenna CIVIC TV - [...]

                Twin Rains – The Garden

                Hi Our Basement, Gardens are rich in symbolism: they can represent fertility and abundance, but also entropy and decay. With our new single, I wanted to write about this twofold nature—the cyclical pattern found in [...]

                By | October 19th, 2021|Categories: New Music|Tags: |Comments Off on Twin Rains – The Garden

                  Faiyaz & The Wasted Chances – Antisocial

                  Hey Our Basement, A few years ago I played a crummy out-of-town show in Brampton, Ontario, where the band made no money and we were all broke as hell. Myself and a few other members [...]

                  By | October 18th, 2021|Categories: New Music|Tags: |Comments Off on Faiyaz & The Wasted Chances – Antisocial

                    Playlist Friday: OurBasement Stream of Consciousness

                    A stream of consciousness playlist started on September 23, 2016 with one Canadian Indie song and then a word in the title of that song led to another Canadian Indie song and that led to [...]

                    By | October 15th, 2021|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , |1 Comment