Hey Our Basement,

“Drifting” has been a song I’ve been holding onto and playing for so long, I’m excited to finally be releasing it.

I wrote a fictional story, putting myself in the shoes of someone else. It’s about two people in a strenuous relationship. One person is too much for the other, the love is there, but it’s hard to hold onto and want to keep. The weird part is that the “fictional” story I wrote about, ended up becoming my own reality. Taking on a whole new personal meaning for me now.

My favourite line in this song is your love is a shipwreck on my shore. A powerful metaphor that drives home the idea of a worn relationship.

“Drifting” holds a special place in my heart and I hope it will do the same for you. Look out for my debut full-length album, Learning to Live with Precious Time, on January 28th 2022.

↳ Taylor Simpson
