Hello Our Basement,
Over a period of six months, I experienced extreme isolation, my mother’s cancer diagnosis, the beginning of the pandemic, and a breakup.
Walls, Mirrors and Windows, the upcoming debut album from my new project, Pleasure Craft, draws on two years of psychotherapy sessions and explores the fear of vulnerability driving my behaviour.
“Dead Weight,” the fifth song from the debut Pleasure Craft LP. Walls, Mirrors, and Windows is a concept album that follows the character arc of the protagonist introduced in our recent single, “Bag Down.”
“Dead Weight” falls in the album’s second act, where the protagonist grapples with self-loathing and fear brought on by a newfound self-awareness and introspection.
He’s a kid, he’s a soul, he’s a rag doll, he’s a chemical, he’s a bag in the wind, he’s a tag in, he’s a swimmer in a current.
The lyrics begin with this litany of metaphors describing a character who is violently helpless. Referring to himself in the third person conveys the dissociation he feels as he pulls to escape his body, his “Dead Weight.”
Thank you for taking the time to listen,
Sam Lewis of Pleasure Craft
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