It is DarTurkey time again! This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and we have so much music by Canadian artists to be thankful for. There are songs for thanksgiving, the garden and the harvest, cooking, saying grace and being thankful for all the good things in life, home and celebrating family, and more. As messed up as this world is, there is still much to be thankful for.
Since 1957, Thanksgiving Day has been a holiday in Canada on the second Monday of October. Canadian Thanksgiving is a chance for people to give thanks for fortunes in the past year, including a good harvest. Long before Canada celebrated thanksgiving, the native people of America held festivals and ceremonies to celebrate the completion and bounty of harvest way before European settlers and explorers arrived in what is known as Canada today. No matter how you decide to spend Canadian Thanksgiving, the main thing to remember is that this is a day of thanks. Therefore, it is important to spend some time reflecting on what you are thankful for. Make sure you take the opportunity to thank people who have played an important role in your life or done something special for you. A small ‘thank you’ goes a very long way. (Source: Days of the Year)
The playlist on both Spotify and YouTube is a compilation that began in 2016 and grows every year. I want to thank you for checking it out. I very much appreciate those that do. The weekly playlists are a labour of love from me to you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great weekend!
Great list Darbar!
Hi Jeremy! Thanks for checking in.
Any comment about the final demise of CBC Radio3?