This Is Not An Album Review: TUNS. Self-titled LP

    By Tom Westoll TUNS, the hot new power pop trio comprised of wily can-rock vets (Matt Murphy, Mike O'Neill and Chris Murphy) is taking the nation by storm. The band is releasing it's long awaited [...]

    By | August 22nd, 2016|Categories: Editorial, New Music|Tags: , , , , , , , |66 Comments

      Who are you calling a loner? An Op-Ed From A Guy Who Is Definitely Not an Ed.

      By Tom Westoll I don't know how you consume the majority of your music, but I have been appreciating albums on vinyl as the main staple in my musical diet for about the last two [...]

      By | August 15th, 2016|Categories: Editorial|Tags: |52 Comments

        Credits where credits are due

        You know the type, at the end of a movie, while everyone is rushing to the exits, queuing for the washrooms to complete the processes started by their incredibly oversize and overpriced sodas, there's always [...]

        By | July 7th, 2016|Categories: Editorial|Tags: , , , , , |161 Comments