YUAR – Summer Song
Hi Guys, I hope you’re having a great day! I’d love to share the great new single by YUAR called “Summer Song”. The track is about falling in love and endlessly wandering the city on [...]
Hi Guys, I hope you’re having a great day! I’d love to share the great new single by YUAR called “Summer Song”. The track is about falling in love and endlessly wandering the city on [...]
This weeks playlist has tracks from artists that will be playing at Gateway Music Festival. "The 15th Annual Gateway Festival will take place July 26-28, 2019 in beautiful Bengough, Sask. We are pleased to welcome [...]
Necking - Cut Your Teeth (Mint) Cut Your Teeth by Necking Their minimal, shouty post-punk and grunge-tinted rock songs would fall flat if they weren’t performed with discernible gusto or infused with as much simmering [...]
Hey Our Basement!, There’s a side of us we show to the world and the side that we don’t. Our new song, “Something Else,” dives into the complexities of these two worlds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_OQgF45zbU This music [...]
Scattered Clouds - Take Away Your Summer (Boiled Records) TAKE AWAY YOUR SUMMER by Scattered Clouds Espanola - Espanola (indie) Espanola by Espanola Small Glories - Assiniboine & The Red (indie)
Hello Our Basement, If you’re conflicted on whether to confront all the issues in your relationship, or break up and move on, this one’s for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0oCQOCRsb8 This is really just a song about the [...]
Hey Our Basement, Sometimes the best way to cope with loneliness is to focus all of your energy into something you really care about and blind yourself with a ‘for better or worse’ mentality. “Drug [...]
Hi Our Basement, I’m always torn between the need to do right by the people I love, and the darkness that resides deep within. Love, sexuality, sensuality, and vulnerability are the leading elements for this [...]
Daniel Wesley - Beach Music (Beachgrove Records) Marshall - Layers (indie) Matt Blais - In Shadow and Light (indie) Richard Reed Parry - Quiet River of Dust: Vol. 2 (indie) Version Xcursion (VX) and Amai [...]
Hey Our Basement, “2 Myself” is our conscious effort to emulate some of the sounds of present-day pop music while still maintaining what makes us Ludic. A little bit pop, maybe even a little bit [...]