The Jerry Cans

    Regina Show - January 17, 2019 It was a cold Thursday night in Regina but The Jerry Cans and Joshua Qaumariaq warmed up the sold out crowd with their high-energy uplifting show. Joshua Qaumariaq started [...]

    By | January 21st, 2019|Categories: Show review|Tags: , , |45 Comments

      Terra Lightfoot

      Juno nominated Terra Lightfoot was back in Regina on Friday, February 23 and what a great show it was!  I highly recommend going to see her show if she comes your way. She rocks out [...]

      By | February 26th, 2018|Categories: Editorial, Show review|13 Comments

        Japandroids Put on a Rockin’ Show!

        By Janet Athanasiou On their most recent tour through the United States, Japandroids made a stop at the Jefferson Theater in Charlottesville, Virginia on October 28. Touring with Cloud Nothings, the rock duo played a [...]

        By | November 1st, 2017|Categories: Show review|Tags: |20 Comments

          Wolf Parade at the Black Cat

          By Janet Athanasiou A 700-person venue that boasts it specializes in indie/alternative/punk/experimental music, the Black Cat in Washington DC hosted recently reunited Wolf Parade on October 22. The main stage of the venue is on [...]

          By | October 30th, 2017|Categories: Show review|Tags: |37 Comments
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          Bend Sinister

          On Saturday, October 21 I was able to see a Bend Sinister show again. It had been awhile since I last saw them and I was looking forward to hearing them again. They are on [...]

          By | October 25th, 2017|Categories: Show review|Tags: , |31 Comments

            Terra Lightfoot – Paradise

            By Darlene Barss When OurBasement was asked to feature a new video from Terra Lightfoot, I jumped at the chance to do it. I had enjoyed what I had heard from her so far and [...]

              Playlist Friday: Summer Festival Time

              By Darlene Barss It's summer festival time and this week there is a playlist for summer and for a festival. Last weekend, July 21-23, I went to Gateway Music Festival in Bengough, SK. We took [...]

              By | July 28th, 2017|Categories: Festivals, Playlists, Show review|Tags: , , , |35 Comments

                Playlist Friday: Grant Lawrence Dirty Windshields

                The playlist today is in honour of Grant Lawrence and his new book Dirty Windshields. There was a rockin' book release party last Saturday, May 13 in Vancouver. The Commodore was full of friends, family, [...]

                By | May 19th, 2017|Categories: Playlist, Playlists, Show review|Tags: , , , |33 Comments

                  The Wooden Sky at the Independent in Sunderland, England

                  Toronto's own Wooden Sky appeared at the Independent in Sunderland on Friday night and if that performance is anything to go by their next release, "Swimming in Strange Waters", should be outstanding. Gavin’s voice pair [...]

                  By | February 20th, 2017|Categories: Show review|Tags: |14 Comments

                    Royal Canoe at the Castle Hotel in Manchester, England

                    After 1172 days away, Royal Canoe made a triumphant returned to Manchester last night for a performance in front of a small but very enthusiastic crowd at the Castle Hotel. Their set comprising of songs [...]

                    By | February 1st, 2017|Categories: Show review|Tags: |30 Comments