Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Nov/2019

    More new releases! Our Release Radar playlist this month is full of more great Canadian Indie tunes. We have both a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

      Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Oct/2019

      Holy smokes there are so many new releases! Our Release Radar playlist this month is overflowing with new Canadian Indie goodness. We have both a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release [...]

        Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar July/2019

        It’s Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

          Playlist Friday: Indigenous Peoples Day and Release Radar

          It's another double playlist week! One for National Indigenous Peoples Day and one is OurBasement Release Radar. So much music! National Indigenous Peoples Day, celebrated in Canada every 21 June, is an official day of [...]

            Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar

            It’s Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

              Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Jan/2019

              It's Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

                Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Oct/2018

                It's Release Radar playlist time! The playlists that let you know what is new this month! Along with a Spotify Release Radar playlist, there is a YouTube new video release playlist as well. The YouTube [...]

                  Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar July/2018

                  It's time for another Release Radar playlist! And not just one playlist but two playlists again this month! Along with our usual Spotify Release Radar playlist, there is a YouTube new video release playlist as [...]

                    Music Video Monday, Croatia – Make Circles, Randal Arsenault – Rock & Roll to My

                    Croatia - Make Circles Croatia is a synth-pop group from Victoria, British Columbia. Taking heavy influence from the revolutionary sounds of 80’s era pop and electronic groups. They create their own meaningful, and at times [...]

                    By | February 5th, 2018|Categories: Video release|Tags: , |30 Comments

                      Carmanah – Roots

                      Carmanah has always been comfortable reaching deep into the music archives for the gritty vintage flavours that influence their modern sound. The band regularly deliver dynamic and well-balanced performances featuring Laura Mina’s soulful lead vocals [...]

                      By | January 31st, 2018|Categories: Video release, Video Release|Tags: |26 Comments