The Wild Raccoon Radio Show Episode 24

    Wild Raccoon looks back at some of the music released in 2007 and 2008 on this week's show. What theme would you like to hear on future shows? let us know in the [...]

      The Wild Raccoon Radio Show Episode 21

      To celebrate his show becoming old enough to drink, with episode 21, Wild Raccoon plays some of his favourite alcohol-related music, along with some beer-themed poetry and a recipe for whiskey cookies. What [...]

        Playlist Friday: DarBar’s 50 Favourite Albums of 2019

        The playlist this week is a list of my favourite albums of 2019. Most of the "Best of" lists came out in December but I am just getting around to it now. There are a [...]

          Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Oct/2019

          Holy smokes there are so many new releases! Our Release Radar playlist this month is overflowing with new Canadian Indie goodness. We have both a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release [...]

            Playlist Friday: Indigenous Peoples Day and Release Radar

            It's another double playlist week! One for National Indigenous Peoples Day and one is OurBasement Release Radar. So much music! National Indigenous Peoples Day, celebrated in Canada every 21 June, is an official day of [...]

              Playlist Friday: DarBar’s Polaris Long List

              We are in the middle of Polaris Music Prize season and I am anxiously waiting to hear who makes it on to the Long List. The jurors votes are in and the official long list [...]

                New releases for the week ending May 24th 2019

                Tamara Sandor - Your Ghosts (Independent) your ghosts EP by Tamara Sandor Black Mountain - Destroyer (Dine Alone) Geneviève Racette - No Water, No Flowers (indie) Milk & Bone - DIVE (Bonsound) Peaches by Milk [...]

                  Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar

                  It’s Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

                    Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar March/2019

                    It’s Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

                      The Wild Raccoon Podcast for March 2019

                      Hello, I am Wild Raccoon and I would like to welcome you to episode 18 of my podcast for the month of March 2019. For this months edition, we take our second annual look back [...]