Playlist Friday: Flemish Eye Records

    Flemish Eye Records is the tenth in a series of playlists where we are checking out Canadian Independent Record Companies and the artists they represent. We have checked out Arts and Crafts, Constellation Records, Dine [...]

      New releases for the week ending June 19th 2020

      Braids - Shadow Offering (Secret City Records) Shadow Offering by Braids Chris Bell - Division Street Searching in the Dark by Chris Bell Japandroids - Massey Fucking Hall (Arts & Crafts) Massey Fucking Hall by [...]

        Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Nov/2019

        More new releases! Our Release Radar playlist this month is full of more great Canadian Indie tunes. We have both a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

          Playlist Friday: Canadian Indie Albums of 2015

          Music from the year 2015 is what we are listening to this week. Some of the tracks seem like it was just recently they dropped but these albums were released three to four years ago. [...]

            Our Anthem – A Top of Our Lungs Playlist

            Happy birthday, Canada! At 149 your shores are looking a little weathered, but then haven't they always? That's what adds to your charm. For all of you celebrating the birth of the True North Strong [...]