Playlist Friday: Duchess Says + Partner = Capricorn Winter Songs

    This week's playlist isn't all Canadian Indie music but it is brought to us by two Canadian Indie bands. Ahead of their joint Canadian Prairie Winter tour, Partner team up with Montrealers Duchess Says to [...]

    By | December 1st, 2017|Categories: Playlists|Tags: , , , |50 Comments

      Playlist Friday: New Brunswick Notes

      By Darlene Barss It is Playlist Friday and the province of New Brunswick is the focus of our playlist this week. I thought about making it an East Coast playlist but there was just far [...]

      By | January 13th, 2017|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , , |48 Comments

        Qualité Québec Playlist

        By Darlene Barss We have done a French Canadian playlist previously that you may have thought was for the province of Quebec but no it was not. That playlist focused on songs in French and [...]

        By | December 9th, 2016|Categories: Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , , , |25 Comments

          Ode To Ontario Playlist

          by Darlene Barss Our playlist today is an ode to all those Ontario musicians we know and love. There is no shortage of talent coming out of that province that is for sure.  Broken Social [...]

            Amos the Transparent – Change My Mind

            Amos the Transparent, the Ottawa six-piece, is back with a new single called “Change my mind”. The song was announced on a Facebook post and is available for purchase on their website for however much [...]

            By | July 7th, 2016|Categories: New Music, News|Tags: , , , , |12 Comments

              From Zeus' forehead springs Ocean Potion

              Just in time for the summer, Zeus announced today that guitarist Mike O’Brien and recently-added guitarist/keyboardist Jason Haberman have released four tracks from their new act, Ocean Potion (not the sunscreen). This is the first music [...]