Playlist Friday: DarBar’s 2022 Polaris Long List Wish List

    It is Polaris Music Prize season and I am anxiously waiting to hear who makes it on to the Long List. The 2022 Polaris Event Season will kick-off with the Prize’s 40 album Long List [...]

      Polaris Music Prize Long List 2020

      Today is the day of the big reveal of the Polaris Music Prize Long List for 2020. The #Polaris2020 Long List reveal takes place at noon ET / 9 am PT via Polaris YouTube and [...]

      By | June 15th, 2020|Categories: Awards, Polaris Music Prize|Tags: , , , |10 Comments

        Playlist Friday: DarBar’s Polaris Music Prize Long List

        It is Polaris Music Prize season and I am anxiously waiting to hear who makes it on to the Long List. The jurors votes are in and the official long list will be announced on [...]

          Playlist Friday: Polaris Music Prize Long List 2017

          By Darlene Barss We have two playlists for you this week about the Polaris Music Prize Long List. One has a song representing each of the 40 albums that are on the official Long List. [...]