New releases for the week ending December 7th 2018

    AFI - The Missing Man AFI is closing out 2018 with their forthcoming EP, The Missing Man, which is due for release on December 7 through Ex Noctem Nacimur Records. This time around, AFI found [...]

    By | December 6th, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: , , , , , |30 Comments

      Ocean Potion – In The Grass

      Hey, Our Basement: Ocean Potion. That’s the name of this band. We – Mike O’Brien and Jason Haberman – began to write and record together following a joyous tour with our respective bands, Zeus and [...]

      By | June 20th, 2018|Categories: Video Release|Tags: |44 Comments

        From Zeus' forehead springs Ocean Potion

        Just in time for the summer, Zeus announced today that guitarist Mike O’Brien and recently-added guitarist/keyboardist Jason Haberman have released four tracks from their new act, Ocean Potion (not the sunscreen). This is the first music [...]