Old Man Luedecke Archives - ourBasement.ca

    Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar July/2019

    It’s Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]

      Playlist Friday: Indigenous Peoples Day and Release Radar

      It's another double playlist week! One for National Indigenous Peoples Day and one is OurBasement Release Radar. So much music! National Indigenous Peoples Day, celebrated in Canada every 21 June, is an official day of [...]

        The Wild Raccoon Podcast for July 2018

        For this months podcast, WR gives you his first every road trip mix tape. More music and less talk. What would you have had on there if it was your tape? (we might [...]

          Our Anthem – A Top of Our Lungs Playlist

          Happy birthday, Canada! At 149 your shores are looking a little weathered, but then haven't they always? That's what adds to your charm. For all of you celebrating the birth of the True North Strong [...]