New releases for the week ending October 23rd 2020

    UIC - FM Hill (Like Ninety Records) Reid Jamieson - John 20:20 Veda Hille – Little Volcano David Newberry - As Far Away As You Can Go Without Coming Back (JumpAttack! Records) As Far Away [...]

      Playlist Friday: Secret City Records

      The playlist this week is the eighth in a series of playlists where we are checking out Canadian Independent Record Companies and the artists they represent. We have checked out Arts and Crafts, Constellation Records, [...]

        Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Sept/2020

        The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for September/2020 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the playlist on YouTube [...]

          Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar June/2020

          The playlist this week is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. And that is a lot! We have both a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release [...]

            The Wild Raccoon Podcast for March 2019

            Hello, I am Wild Raccoon and I would like to welcome you to episode 18 of my podcast for the month of March 2019. For this months edition, we take our second annual look back [...]

              Playlist Friday: Canadian Indie Albums of 2008

              This week we are taking another trip in the time machine back to Canadian Indie albums of 2008. Our playlists mostly focus on what is new but I thought it would be fun to check [...]