New releases for the week ending June 10th 2022

    A Vulture Wake - Kingdom (Thousand Islands Records) Kingdom by A Vulture Wake Broke Fuse - Splashdown Jonathan Kawchuk - Everywhen (Paper Bag Records) Everywhen by Jonathan Kawchuk Lubalin - whose love Michael Rault - [...]

      New releases for the week ending September 10th 2021

      GGRIL - Sommes (Tour de Bras) Homeshake - Under The Weather (Dine Alone) Under The Weather by homeshake Lindsay Beaver & Brad Stivers - S/T (VizzTone) MANifesto - Pinky Swear (Renaissance Projects) Rufus Wainwright - [...]

      By | September 9th, 2021|Categories: New Music|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on New releases for the week ending September 10th 2021

        New releases for the week ending July 16th 2021

        BROS – Vol. 2 (Dine Alone Records) Vol. 2 by BROS Barenaked Ladies - Detour de Force Boy Golden - Church of Better Daze (Six Shooter) Church of better Daze by Boy Golden Brandon Isaak [...]

          The Wild Raccoon Radio Show Episode 13

          On this weeks show Wild Raccoon plays music from members of the LGBT+ community in Canada with tracks from the likes of Mo Kenney, Partner and, Theo Tams. He will also be sharing some more [...]

            New releases for the week ending July 10th 2020

            July Talk - Pray For It (Sleepless/BMG) Pray For it by July Talk Kestrels - Dream or Don't Dream (Darla Records) Lou Canon - Audomatic Body (Paper Bag) Audomatic Body by Lou Canon Moscow Apartment [...]

              The Weekend Word Weave – Covers

              Many songs are not truly appreciate until someone else takes it on and makes it their own with the newer version often shining a light on the original’s hidden depths. Or it could be that [...]