Playlist Friday: International Women’s Day 2018

    It may be a day late but hey let's keep on celebrating women anyway. Our playlist this week features a lot of great music from a lot of very talented Canadian women. Most of the [...]

      Playlist Friday: Searchlight 2018 Round 2

      Round 1 of Searchlight is all over and we went from over 2000 artists down to just 100 artists for Round 2. Fifty of the artists were decided on by CBC music producers and fifty [...]

      By | March 2nd, 2018|Categories: Playlist, Playlists, Searchlight|Tags: , |32 Comments

        Playlist Friday: Searchlight 2018 Round 1

        CBC's Searchlight has begun and the voting is on!  We had a post about it on Wednesday that you can read about here. With 2073 artists that have a song entered in the contest, it [...]

        By | February 16th, 2018|Categories: Playlist, Playlists, Searchlight|Tags: , , |48 Comments

          Playlist Friday: CBC Searchlight 2017 Round 2

          By Darlene Barss Playlist Friday this week is all about Round 2 of Searchlight. All the artists on the playlist successfully made it past Round 1 and are region finalists. The voting for round 2 [...]

          By | March 10th, 2017|Categories: News, Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |76 Comments

            Playlist Friday: CBC Searchlight 2017 Round 1

            By Darlene Barss CBC Searchlight, CBC Music's nationwide search for the best up-and-coming musicians across Canada returns for its fifth year. As in 2016, the top 4 finalists will vie for the grand prize on [...]

            By | February 24th, 2017|Categories: New Music, Playlist, Playlists|Tags: , , |68 Comments