The Wild Raccoon Podcast for May 2019

    Wild Raccoon looks at some tracks of a more adult nature this month.

      The Never-Ending Present – The Story of Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip

      More than just a significant biography of "Canada's band", Michael Barclay's The Never-Ending Present places the Tragically Hip within the cultural and national shifts of Canadian consciousness over the last thirty years. In the summer [...]

      By | October 30th, 2018|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |8 Comments

        Playlist Friday: Remembering Gord Downie

        Statement from Gord Downie's webpage Oct 17, 2017 Last night Gord quietly passed away with his beloved children and family close by. Gord knew this day was coming – his response was to spend this [...]

        By | October 20th, 2017|Categories: Playlists|Tags: , , , |25 Comments

          Ode To Ontario Playlist

          by Darlene Barss Our playlist today is an ode to all those Ontario musicians we know and love. There is no shortage of talent coming out of that province that is for sure.  Broken Social [...]

            Teaching Through The Tragically Hip’s Canadian Stories Inspires Deep and Relevant Learning

            Vicky Walker has loved The Tragically Hip since she first heard the band play at London’s Western University during Frosh Week 25 years ago. But it wasn’t until she learned singer Gord Downie had been [...]

            By | October 18th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |42 Comments

              Thank you, Mr. Downie: Celebrate The Tragically Hip this Saturday

              By Regina Sienra Tomorrow, August 20, Canada will pause to celebrate the legacy of Gord Downie. To pay tribute to The Tragically Hip, a band that captured and reflected about a everyday life in the [...]

              By | August 18th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , |233 Comments

                That night in Toronto: The Tragically Hip @ Air Canada Centre. 08.10.16

                By Jennifer Durley Last night I stood in a crowd of about 20,000 people as we shouted in unison “at the hundredth meridian, where the great plains begin” like our lives depended on it. What [...]

                By | August 11th, 2016|Categories: Show review|Tags: |134 Comments

                  OurBasement Playlist: Landmarks

                  By Regina Sienra Whether you live in a big city or small town Canada, there’s always a feeling of pride, belonging or representation when a building, a street, a station or any other landmark you [...]