Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar May/2021

    The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for May 2021 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. This week there is a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the [...]

      Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar April/2021

      The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for April 2021 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. This week there is a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the [...]

        Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar March/2021

        The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for March 2021 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. This week there is a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the [...]

        By | March 26th, 2021|Categories: Playlist, Playlists, Video Release|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

          Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Feb/2021

          The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for February 2021 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. This week there is a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the [...]

            Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Jan/2021

            The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for January/2021 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating for the start of this new year. This week there is [...]

              Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Dec/2020

              The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for December/2020 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. This week there is a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the playlist [...]

              By | January 8th, 2021|Categories: Playlist, Playlists, Video release|Tags: , , |1 Comment

                Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Oct/2020

                The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for October/2020 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. I am a little behind on the new releases and we [...]

                By | November 12th, 2020|Categories: Playlist, Playlists, Video release|Tags: , , |2 Comments

                  Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Sept/2020

                  The OurBasement playlist this week is the Release Radar for September/2020 and is full of all the new music Canadian artists have been creating. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist, the playlist on YouTube [...]

                    Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Oct/2019

                    Holy smokes there are so many new releases! Our Release Radar playlist this month is overflowing with new Canadian Indie goodness. We have both a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release [...]

                      Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar July/2019

                      It’s Release Radar playlist time! Release Radar are playlists that let you know what is new each month. We have a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a YouTube new video release playlist to help you [...]