Playlist Friday: DarBar’s Polaris Music Prize Short List 2020

    The Polaris Music Prize Short List will be revealed on Wednesday, July 15. The playlist today has a couple tracks each for 10 albums that I am hoping will be on that list. I was [...]

      Playlist Friday: OurBasement Release Radar Dec/2019

      I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas wherever and with whomever they spent it. I can't believe another year and another decade are nearly done! The last Release Radar of the year is our playlist this [...]

        New releases for the week ending November 1st 2019

        Coco Love Alcorn - Rebirth (indie) Cartel Madras - Age of the Goonda (Sub Pop) Age of the Goonda by Cartel Madras Chocolat - Jazz Engagé Jazz engagé by CHOCOLAT Counterparts - Nothing Left To [...]