You should be listening to… Idle Hands by Wise Child

    Wise Child recently released their album Idle Hands and Jaya was kind enough to give us a track by track walk us through. Idle Hands by Wise Child 1. This Rut: This intro just makes [...]

    By | April 8th, 2019|Categories: You should be listening to...|Tags: |22 Comments

      New releases for the week ending March 29th 2019

      Devin Townsend - EMPATH (HevyDevy Records) Opening the album is Castaway, an atmospheric and sedate number, using the sound of waves and seagulls along with a slow and relaxing electrical guitar solo prior to the [...]

        8 Random Questions with … Wise Child

        1)Would you like to introduce yourself? Hi! We're Wise Child an indie-rock band from Victoria, BC. These responses are written by lead singer and synth player Jaya Bremer and therefore they do not necessarily honestly [...]

        By | November 20th, 2018|Categories: New Music|Tags: |23 Comments